Charlie McGarty


Austin, TX

Limor Chen

ARH Women’s Program Director

Austin, TX

Keith Morton

Program Manager/Personal Trainer/Recovery Coach

Austin, TX


Ted Broomes

Program Director

Houston, TX

Clay George

Personal Trainer/Recovery Coach

Houston, TX

DJ Giltner

Personal Trainer/Recovery Coach

Houston, TX

Charlie McGarty


Charlie has been working in addiction treatment for over a decade, with a focus on adding quality wellness services to the recovery continuum of care. Beginning as a wellness coordinator for many well-known Texas treatment centers, Charlie noticed a failure to sustain wellness focus once the client had left their inpatient stay. He made the decision to leave his role as a wellness coordinator and founded Active Recovery Coaching in 2017, with the vision of creating a sustainable model of wellness programming for any treatment center. He has also established an amazing relationship with the Austin YMCA that has brought much-needed individualized resources to the recovery community. In 2020, he opened Active Recovery Homes to offer a new model of sober living. ARH offers high accountability mixed with endless support, and the model has seen outstanding results by adding depth to the many methods already proven to work well in recovery. Overall, Charlie’s vision is for this wellness focus to be implemented throughout an individual’s journey in recovery.

Limor Chen

Active Recovery Homes Women’s Program Director

Limor moved to the Austin area to attend Texas State University in 2010 from Dallas, Texas. She had struggled with substance abuse and depression from the age of 15 and gradually became an IV heroin addict. She studied psychology in school to help “solve” her own addiction. After numerous treatment centers and attempts at sobriety, Limor found sobriety in 2017. At a year sober, she began to struggle with depression and low self esteem. Working a strong 12 step program, she was looking to add more healthy outlets. She began working out, getting active outside the gym and eating healthy. Limor was amazed that she had something sustainable to treat her depression. A “better body” was only a byproduct to the positive effects from her fitness journey. She gained confidence, self esteem and self love, and began to see the parallels between sobriety and the disciplines learned while being physically active. Limor is a leader in the women’s recovery field and is transferring the profound benefits she has obtained from living an active lifestyle to other women struggling in addiction and looking to achieve long term sobriety. She promotes recovery by engaging in a personal and positive relationship, demonstrating and inspiring hope, and optimizing client connection with a broad range of community support. With the confidence to challenge clients in an empathetic way and extensive knowledge in cultivating personal growth programs, she is uniquely capable of guiding clients in creating their passions and constructing strategic plans to achieve their recovery goals. In early 2022 Limor became the Women’s Program Directory for Active Recovery Homes. She is in communication with all parents and loved ones, coaches the women, and leads employees with the high standards of Active Recovery Homes. Within each home, the individual coaching sessions are utilized to maintain support for the clients while living in a structured environment.

Keith Morton


Keith Morton is a college graduate with a decade in the hospitality industry, including management. After struggling with addiction for many years, he found his way to the other side and the freedom that only an addiction-free life can provide. Sustaining that recovery since moving to Austin has been a direct result of ARC and its pioneering model of recovery through adopting an active lifestyle. With a strong foundation in the 12 steps, he branched out to grow his recovery. Part of his journey was discovering the value of fitness, concentrating on weights and strength training, and recognizing its part in the holistic approach of mind, body and spirit toward sustained wellness. Today, he applies his personal experiences and his certification as a personal trainer to help guide others who are struggling to navigate the peaks and valleys of early sobriety. He highlights the importance of goal setting and discipline in the gym to help translate these values into the real world.

Ted Broomes

Program Director

Bio Coming Soon

Clay George

Personal Trainer/Recovery Coach

Clay lives in the Sugar Land area with his wife and two children. He attended Pima Medical Institute where he studied physical therapy, exercise science, body physics and mechanics, micro-biology, nutrition, and psychology. Clay was in active addiction for over three decades. He was in and out of multiple treatment facilities until he discovered the key to his recovery was combining mindfulness with the 12 Step Program. In addition to these modalities, Clay has also practiced Smart Recovery. He believes that a successful recovery must be a way of life and include as many modalities as possible. Clay’s approach to recovery is a trinity of mind, body, and spirit. In addition to physical fitness, he believes mindfulness is a great tool for learning and practicing core values, not only improving the quality of an individual’s life, but also the life of those around them. He believes exercise and nutrition are a must in a successful recovery, advocating that through meditation, exercise, and a healthy diet, we have the ability to recover from Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome exponentially faster and improve our overall well-being. Clay is extremely passionate about his own recovery, as well as helping others on their recovery journey.

DJ Giltner

Personal Trainer/Recovery Coach

DJ grew up in Missouri City, TX and started his recovery journey in February 2020. During the pandemic, DJ was the house manager at Bodine Recovery in The Heights and provided support to his residents by monitoring/encouraging sobriety through healthy routines and living. During this time, he was able to build a new profound lifestyle with daily meditations and physical exercise. After 4 years (and counting) of sobriety, DJ turned his passion into his calling. He is an International Sports Science Association (ISSA) Certified Personal Trainer and is currently pending certification with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). Experiencing the journey himself, he knows physical and mental health goes hand in hand. He is dedicated, committed and passionate about his clients and want to see them succeed. Clients can expect a great workout along with support and tools to maintain a manageable recovery lifestyle with DJ! In his spare time, he enjoys golfing, working in the yard, and spending time with his wife, Jolie and son, Joey.